Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee has been established to meet our increasing need to better manage the continuously changing legislative environment in which our members operate. It consists of a network of experts from the leading member companies, familiar with the legislative framework and process.

The role of the Legislative Committee is to support the AFEMS Board in taking appropriate decisions and implementing specific actions required to tackle the challenges presented by the changing international and European legislative framework.

Its main tasks can be summarised as follows:

• to monitor, at European Union level, the legislative environment in the AFEMS area of interest;
• to evaluate the implications which new regulations, or changes to existing ones, can have on our business;
• to prepare recommendations to the AFEMS Board of Directors (or to anyone delegated by the Board on the issue) for strategies to safeguard the Association’s interests at all stages of the legislative process;
• to monitor the implementation of EU legislation at national level, providing support to National Associations operating in our field.