News & Media
EURACTIV: “1 in 4 hunters will stop hunting if near-total ban on lead ammunition becomes reality”
If the ban on the use of lead ammunition becomes reality, one-off costs related to the modification and replacement of millions of firearms could potentially reach €14.5 billion. Moreover, it is estimated to cause [...]
EURACTIV: “ECHA Report on lead ammunition near-total ban: Starting off on the wrong foot once again”
Only a few months have passed since the intensely-debated ban on the use of lead shot in European wetlands was adopted, and we’re already facing a much broader ban on all lead ammunition in other [...]
THE PARLIAMENT MAGAZINE: “The lead shot over wetlands proposal is unworkable”
The European Commission’s plans are a flagrant breach of fundamental rights and basic freedoms. MEPs therefore have a simple decision: Reject the proposal and send it back to the REACH Committee, argues the European [...]
EURACTIV: “Restricting lead gunshot over wetlands: Why is the European Commission proposal so problematic?”
23 Member States have already phased out lead gunshot for hunting over wetlands. For the past five years, work has been underway to develop an EU-wide restriction on lead gunshot over wetlands. The European [...]
All4Shooters: “EU Lead Ban for ammunition: undue interferences?”
An information paper forwarded on 3rd May 2020 by the Directorate-General for Environment's Expert Group on the Birds and Habitats Directives ("NADEG") to Member States’ delegation invites to “ensure a positive vote on the [...]
ECHA to prepare a REACH Restriction Proposal for lead in ammunition
The European Commission (EC) has requested the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to prepare a REACH restriction proposal addressing the risk to wildlife and humans (consumption of game meat) from lead in gunshot, lead in [...]